Monday, December 3, 2007

Peace & the 2nd Showing!

The lady that came to look at our house last Tuesday is coming back to look at it again. We'll see what happens. I think I really am okay this time if we don't sell our house. I have a true inner peace that whatever God wants is best and whatever happens is His will. I've just been praying that regardless of whether or not God opens the door for us to go to Peru, that He would be glorified in and through our lives. I truly do want the Lord's perfect will for our lives and if that is not Peru then I don't want anything to do with it.

Jeremiah & I went to church last evening and were very encouraged by the message. Dave went through Psalm 37-39 and spoke a lot about trusting in the Lord & delighting in the Lord and He will give us the desires of our hearts. It encouraged us that He did put the desire to go to Peru on our hearts and that it is not a fleshly desire, so we need to trust in Him and His will will come to pass.

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