I have decided to delay the weaning process....Israel has not been feeling well the past couple of days and he has been teething...poor lil guy has been using his fists to soothe the teething pains. He has been nursing a lot better and it seems to comfort him so I don't want to add another thing to the mix of changes. Also, I have been a little sentimental about it....not like crying or anything but just not feeling ready for this to end quite yet. There is some pressure from some family members that feel he is too old to be nursing and aren't afraid to say so. Sometimes, I am tempted to lie when they ask, "Is he still nursing?".....but I know that wouldn't be right. So we will see, I will be praying about what I should do:)
I had several comments while I was nursing Ethan, before he was even a year because he was not a "baby" anymore. I was in the process of weaning him when one person commented, and I was very point blank in telling them to mind their own business. We have a lot of hard decisions to make as parents, and this is one of those that shouldn't include others rude input.
Add teething and feeling bad to the mix, and the weaning process could be a miserable situation for everyone at your house...
And add that he isn't even 1 yet... It isn't like he is coming up to you and asking you in a complete sentence for his milk.
Thanks Marcy! It is hard for me to believe that people seem to be opposed or even offended by something that is so healthy and so natural. For me I know that I don't plan to bf much past a year so I guess that will be good news to some:) I guess everyone is different....I know in biblical times the children were typically weaned around 18 months. You are right though, I have to do what is right for our family....and I am sure I will have to remind myself of this throughout my parenting years....you can't please everyone!!
I planned to nurse Kiersten passed her 1st birthday because she didn't show interest in drinking from her sippy. I cannot say I am an avocate for nursing toddlers who are walking and talking... Just because my kids were so "active" nursing that you add in mobility to that and well, OUCH! Like I said do what works for you. I stopped nursing with Ethan at 11 1/2 months because I was pregnant and didn't have a choice. But I had a ton of frozen milk that needed used anyway. Kiersten self weaned at one week after her 1st birthday. Good luck and I hope he feels better soon!
I nursed our girls up to their first birthdays, and they all seemed "ready" to give it up. It didn't take much convincing and I was ready, too. But with our little guy, he was no where near ready and kept asking for it. So, I taught him to sign for "nummy-nummy" and offered it only when he asked. That lasted until he was 18 months and at the end, he only asked once a day or once every other day. I loved it! And we limited it to being at home to avoid all the questions...Marcy is right. Do what the Lord leads you to do. It's a special privilege and when it's over, you will have a great memories!
Oh Serah, I'm sorry you have to hear all of those unnecessary and unsupportive comments! I have plenty of friends who have nursed past 12 months and continue to do so. It is a beautiful and natural thing...and besides, isn't that one of the God-intended reasons to have those 'girls' in the first place? ;) Keep your head held high and remain focused on your own family of three. Israel is so lucky that he can continue to be nutured in that way!
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