Tuesday, April 20, 2010


This is the schedule I try to follow with Israel, I don't follow it to a "T" but you get the idea! He has recently changed his schedule since he has been getting up at 7 instead of 8!

7:00-wake, nurse, solids
7:45-8:00-blanket time
8:00-8:30-playpen time
8:30-9:00-mommy play
11:00-wake, nurse, solids
11:45-12:15-playpen time
12:15-1:00-free play, errands, or outside play
3:00-wake, nurse
3:30-bath (every other day), free play, outside play, errands, etc.
5:00-solids and dinner prep while Israel is in highchair
mommy play, free play
Daddy play sometime after dinner

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