Monday, January 17, 2011

39 weeks 4 days, dr. appointment

I had my dr appointment this morning and the midwife told me I am 4 cm dilated, 50% effaced and the baby is way low, with an anterior cervix and a bulgey bag!! I can't believe I am walking around 4 cm and not in labor....this baby just doesn't want to come out:) I am not going to complain though....this is the best way to dilate to 4 because I am in no pain!! Sooooo, anyday, any minute now! She stripped my membranes once again so maybe that will help to bring things on!! An induction is scheduled for January 30 since that is the longest they will let me go over. I asked her if I do have to be induced can I go a different route than pitocin and can we just try breaking my water...she said yes but that if labor didn't start within 6 hours she would want to put me on the pitocin...I am fine with all that as long as they let me try something else!! But she really didn't think that I would make it to the 30th so hopefully she is right!! Maybe the next post will be about our new baby Isabella:)

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