Saturday, November 21, 2009

I can feel a tooth!

oh my! last Wednesday I felt a swollen lump where Israel's bottom right tooth is and last night when he was violently munching on my wrist I felt a little sharp thing poking me. I am not sure if it has actually broke skin yet but it sure feels like it. The only symptom he has had is shorter naps. I can't believe he is getting his first tooth....he is growing so fast.....already 5.5 months...yikes! I am sure the other one will be coming in soon.

He is one active little guy with the way he rolls around the room. He is getting pretty good at sitting alone, he can sit unsupported and alone for approx 5 minutes as long as he is not tired or in a new surrounding where he would rather observe things. He still topples over so I keep pillows nearby to soften his falls. He is talking much more, saying dada, mama, baba and other random squeals and fun!! I love him so!!

Jer and I are stilling teaching 1 John to the youth group kids....what an amazing book that forces you to examine yourself and walk with the Lord. My prayer is that the kids would grow in their relationships with the Lord through this study. I have had some really sweet times with the Lord lately and he is challenging me to be sensitive to the Holy Spirit and what He would have me do.

God Bless!

1 comment:

Meg said...

Aww! The first tooth! I can't believe it is that time already! He looks like such a big boy sitting up. Hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving with the little one!