So the three day method was a great start but since I was taking him when I could tell he had to go he didn't learn to tell me when he had to go pee. I realized later with the 3 day method I wasn't supposed to take him unless he told me he had to go or unless he started having an accident...oops. The theory is that they learn their body cues when they start having the accident and learn how to tell you before they start to go in their undies. I didn't stop with the training since he was doing so well and would go everytime I took him. I just decided to go with the timer method where you take them every so often in hopes that he would eventually start telling me. Well he continued to do well and of course had some accidents....he would often tell me when he had to poop or look at me kinda funny and I knew to take him but would continue to go pee quickly everytime I took him. He still wasn't telling me before he had to pee though and would only ask to go before nap or last week I decided to stop taking him all the time when I thought he had to go.....and this week he has started to tell me more when he has to go. I am hoping this he had one of his friends over and he even ran up to me while they were playing together to tell me he had to poop. I was impressed because I wouldn't think he would have wanted to stop what he was doing to go to the bathroom...yay!! Hopefully we will have a fully potty trained toddler by his 2nd birthday on June 6! Miss Bella.....she went for her 2 month appointment and is measuring 23 3/4" and 13 lb 5 oz...just 1 oz and 1/4" bigger than her brother at this age:) She sure is a sweetie! She had to get 5 shots and was NOT happy about it...she was very fussy for the next several days:( She has the biggest smiles though and loves smiling at her momma. I don't ever remember Israel's face lighting up as much as hers does when she sees her mommy...I love it! Israel was much more serious at this age. She loves to be cuddled and rocked to sleep. She has been sleeping through the night for over a month now and usually sleeps 9 to 9.5 hours per night. She also moves around much more in her crib during the night....when I get her in the morning I find her in a totally opposite position and often is against the crib bars with an arm in between the bars....again this is much different than her brother...he always slept in the same spot all night! She has also been trying to suck her thumb and was getting very frustrated that she couldn't quite get it....she wasn't taking the paci I had for her and would often gag when I put it in her I went out and bought her a smaller one and she is loving it so far...especially in the evening during her normal fussy time. I love my kids...I do wish we would get out more. It has been a struggle...I want to get out and do things but everytime I do it seems like more of a hassle than it is worth. I think I have just had a bad attitude about it.....instead of looking at it in a positive light...I get frustrated with a toddler running from me when I want to put his shoes on, his jacket on, and to go pee before we leave.....all the while Miss Bella is screaming in her car seat. But I know it is good for us to get out and go to places like the Park/Rec and the library for storytime. Summer is just around the corner so it will be nice when we can just go outside and get some sunshine or plop the kids in the stroller and go to the swimming pool or park that is just a block away:)